职务/职称 助教
学历/学位 研究生/硕士
电子邮箱 2865580479@qq.com
研究方向 隔热阻燃材料
毕业学校 兰州理工大学
2023.07-至今 在安康学院化学与环境学院任教。
[1] Zhaoqi Zhu*, YeNiu, ShuoWang, et al. Magnesium hydroxide coated hollow glassmicrospheres/chitosan composite aerogels with excellent thermal insulation and flame retardancy, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022,612:35-42.
[2] Ye Niu, Shuo Wang, Zhaoqi Zhu*, et al. Robust composite aerogels with excellent flame retardant and thermal insulation properties based on modified hollow glass microspheres, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2022, 202:110030.
[3] Ye Niu, Shuo Wang, Zhaoqi Zhu*, et al. Hollow glass microspheres modified polyurethanesponge with enhanced flame retardancy, Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2022,139: e52723.